North American Passenger Trains

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, April 4, 2004 2:27 PM
Their was the Pohanttahs Arrow That I know of do you want before the wabash merger or after?

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, April 4, 2004 7:05 PM
Yes, before the merger would be great! I am working on a N&W Passenger Train poster, and cannot find anything on the internet, such as train numbers, names or destinations, much less schedules or names of passenger cars and numbers. Thank you very much for your help.

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Posted by CSSHEGEWISCH on Monday, April 5, 2004 2:48 PM
Regarding N&W passenger trains:
"Pocahontas" and "Powhatan Arrow" both ran Norfolk-Cincinnati
"Pelican" (Washington-New Orleans) and "Birmingham Special" (Washington-Birmingham) were SR trains which ran over N&W Lynchburg-Bristol.
The daily commute is part of everyday life but I get two rides a day out of it. Paul
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Posted by eastcoulee on Saturday, April 10, 2004 4:27 AM
Thanks for all the info on Passenger trains that I requested. Looks like I'll be making a list on the Named Freights too. Don't any of you be surprised to see a listing of these North American icons coming out of all places, Australia. Cheers to all.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:28 AM
SP Daylight (Chicago-L.A.)
ATSF Super Chief
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Posted by coalminer3 on Friday, April 16, 2004 3:41 PM
Awhile back, some folks (in addition to me) mentioned some PRR trains.

Here's a 1942-era consist for the Pennsy's "American" eastward from St. Louis.

Train 66
St. Louis-New York Sleeping Cars: 8 sections/5 double bedrooms; roomettes;
St. Louis-Washington Sleeping Car: 8 sections/5 double bedrooms
Indianapolis-New York Sleeping Car: 12 sections/ drawing room
Pittsburgh-Harrisburg Sleeping Car: 12 sections/drawing room
St. Louis-New York Lounge Cars: 8 sections/buffet; 6 double bedrooms/buffet
Parlor Car (Lounge Café): Louisville-Indianapolis
Diner: St. Louis-New York
Diner-Lounge: Harrisburg-Washington
Coaches: St. Louis-New York

And one for the Dayton and Piqua sides of the "Spirit of St. Louis." The Dayton side was train 30 and the Piqua side was train 908-30.

Train 30
St. Louis-New York Sleeping Cars: roomettes (2 cars); 12 duplex rooms/5 double bedrooms; 10 roomettes/5 double bedrooms; 14 sections (2 cars)
St. Louis-Washington Sleeping Car: 10 roomettes/5 double bedrooms
St. Louis-New York Lounge Car: drawing room/ 3 double bedrooms/buffet
Parlor Car: Louisville-Indianapolis
Diner: St. Louis-New York; Harrisburg-Washington
Compartment/2 drawing rooms/double bedroom/buffet lounge Observation Car: St. Louis-New York:
No coaches

Train 908-30
Columbus-New York Sleeping Car: 14 sections
Columbus-Washington Sleeping Cars: 8 sections/2 compartments/drawing room; 10 roomettes/5 double bedrooms
Diners: Richmond-Columbus;
Columbus-New York;
Columbus-New York Lounge Car: 3 double bedrooms/drawing room/buffet
No coaches

Lots of cars going lots of places and wartime traffic, too.

work safe
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Posted by bowlerp on Wednesday, April 21, 2004 12:57 PM
Erie Railroad - The Erie Limited, New Jersey (NYC) to Chicago
The Atlantic Express, Hoboken to Chicago
The Lake Cities, Hoboken to Chicago
The Steel King, Pittsburgh to Cleveland

NY Central Mercury - Cleveland to Detroit

Northern Pacific: The North Coast Limited, Chicago to Seattle WA

Milwaukee Road, The Olympian Hiawatha, Chicago to Portland

Southern Pacific, The Argonaut, LA to New Orleans

I suggest you browse a copy of Lucius Beebe's "The Trains We Rode". Beebe owned his own passenger car and rode most of the trains cited in his book. It contains photos of most every named train that existed between 1900 and 1950.
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Posted by bowlerp on Wednesday, April 21, 2004 1:14 PM
Delaware Lackawana, The Phoebe Snow - Buffalo-New York
Erie Lackawanna, Phoebe Snow, NY-Chicago
The Owl, Buffalo-NYC
The Twilight, Buff-NYC

The Missouri Pacific Railroad
Colorado Eagle St. Louis - Denver
[many other MP Eagles that I don't know offhand]
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 10, 2004 5:43 PM
Some of today's AMTRAK TRAINS.
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Posted by passengerfan on Thursday, June 10, 2004 9:31 PM
NORTH COAST LIMITED Chicago - Seattle/Portland disc.1971 (Amtrak reinstated it as NORTH COAST HIWATHA but did not operate over original route only between Fargo and Spokane.
SHASTA DAYLIGHT Oakland - Portland Discontinued 1968
CASCADE Oakland - Portland with through cars to Seattle.Today operated as COAST STARLIGHT through Los Angeles - Seattle
SUNSET Los Angeles - New Orleans today operates Jacksonville - Los Angeles only coast to coast through train in United States.
SAN JOAQUIN DAYLIGHT Oakland - Los Angeles via San Joaquin Valley disc. 1971
OWL overnight Oakland - Los Angeles via San Joaquin Valley disc. 1968
LARK overnight Oakland/San Francisco - Los Angeles disc. 1968
COAST DAYLIGHT Los Angeles - Oakland/San Francisco Oakland - Los Angeles operated as part of Amtrak COAST STARLIGHT
INTERNATIONALS GN three times daily round trip streamliners Seattle - Vancouver down to one round trip daily by 1971 disc. by Amtrak later reinstated today is operated once a day by Amtrak TALGO.
CANADIAN CPR operated today by VIA Rail Canada over route of rival CN SUPER CONTINENTAL between Vancouver and Toronto.
EMPIRE BUILDER Seattle - Chicago 1929 - 2004 celebrating 75th anniversary June 11, 2004 first Amtrak Superliner equipped train Under GN operation the train operated with 3-24 seat Budd short Dome Coaches and one 75 seat full length dome. EMPIRE BUILDER offered most seats under glass until Auto-Train and now the ARR cruise ship domes operated on summer trains Anchorage to Fairbanks.
SUPER CHIEF (Pullman)AT&SF and EL CAPITAN (Coach)operated by Amtrak today as SOUTHWEST CHIEF Los Angeles - Chicago
CHIEF Los Angeles - Chicago went to happy hunting ground 1968
SAN FRANCISCO CHIEF Chicago - San Francisco disc. 1971
TEXAS CHIEF Chicago - Houston disc by Amtrak in 1979
GRAND CANYON Chicago - Los Angeles disc. 1971
CHICAGOAN - KANSAS CITYAN Chicago - Oklahoma City disc 1968
SAN DIEGANS Los Angeles - San Diego still in servuice today using California cars known as SURFLINERS one of Amtraks more successful routes.
CALIFORNIA ZEPHYR today operates over original route Chicago - Winnemucca Nevada only west of their operates over former SP now UP to Reno and on to Berkeley.
GOLDEN STATE LIMITED Chicago - Los Angeles via El Paso disc. 1968.
ROCKY MOUNTAIN ROCKET Chicago - Denver/Colorado Springs disc 1967
DENVER ZEPHYR Chicago - Denver disc. 1973 by Amtrak
TULSAN -AT&SF Kansas City -Tulsa disc. 1971
BUTTE SPECIAL UP Salt Lake City - Butte disc. 1971
if I had more time would probably think of many more but must get back to wifes dinner party or face instant death.
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Posted by eastcoulee on Sunday, June 13, 2004 11:55 PM
Passengerfan, Thanks for the expanded info on trains. It fills in some of gaps on locations etc. I know about 'Instant death' but sometimes get buffet treatment-- "cold shoulder and ham" Cheers.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 3, 2004 2:38 PM
How about the following;
PRR The Keystone Limited
NH Yankee Chipper
ACL Champion
SAL Silver Meteor
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, November 4, 2004 3:58 AM
Lets throw in the B&O

#1 & 2 - The National Limited (New York to St.Louis)
#3 & 4 - The Diplomat (New York to St.Louis)
#5 & 6- The Capitol Limited (New York to Chicago)
#7 & 8- The Shenandoah (New York to Chicago)
#9 & 10- The Chicago (WB) & Washington (EB) Night Express (Washington to Chicago)
#11 & 12- The St.Louis Night Express (Washington to St.Louis)
#17 & 18- The Cleveland Night Express (Baltimore to Cleveland)
#19 & 20- The Ambassador (Washingto to Detroit)
#21 & 22- The Washington Express and later The Daylight Speedliner (Philadelphia to Pittsburgh)
#25 & 26- The Columbian (Washington to Chicago)
#27 & 28- The Royal Blue Limited (New York to Washington)
#53 & 54- The Cincinnatian (Detroit to Cincinnati)
#75 & 76- The Cincinnatian (Baltimore to Cincinnati) moved to Detroit run in late 1949.
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Posted by BaltACD on Thursday, November 4, 2004 1:07 PM
u6729csx - a couple of corrections

#11 & 12 - The Metropolitan Special
#21 & 22 - was also known as the Washingtonian

a couple of additions

#15 & 16 - The Blue Ridge Limited (Washington to Chicago)
#245 & 246 - Chicago (West Virginia) Night Express (Wheeling WV to Chicago via Columbus)

The B&O also operated a number of Number only trains on a variety of routes.

Never too old to have a happy childhood!


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Posted by espeefoamer on Thursday, November 4, 2004 8:46 PM
For Southern Pacific:
Coast Daylight ( L.A.-San Francisco)
San Joaquin Daylight ( L.A. Oakland)
Shasta Daylight (Oakland Portland)
Cascade (Oakland Portland)
Klamath (Oakland Portland)
Sunset (L.A. New Orleans)
Golden State (L.A. Chicago)
Californian (L.A. Chicago)
City of San Francisco (Oakland Chicago)
Overland (Oakland Chicago)
For T&NO:
Sunbeam (Houston Dallas)
Hustler (Houston Dallas)
For NorthWestern Pacific:
Redwood (San Rafel-Eureka)
Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, November 6, 2004 9:02 PM
Here's some Waba***rains.
The Blue Bird (Chicago- St Louis )
The Banner Blue ( Chicago- St Louis)
City of Kansas City ( St Louis- Kansas City)
The Wabash Cannonball (St Louis- Detroit)
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Posted by CP5415 on Tuesday, November 9, 2004 10:22 PM

Montreal limited


The Canadian
The Dominion


Brought to you by the letters C.P.R. as well as D&H!

 K1a - all the way

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Posted by ZephyrOverland on Tuesday, April 19, 2005 9:48 AM
Another source for names of passenger trains was published by the Association of American Railroads. The publication, called "Named Passenger Trains" was published in 1946, 1948 and in 1950. I've seen this publication appear from time to time on Ebay.
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Posted by ZephyrOverland on Tuesday, April 19, 2005 9:58 AM
For the gentleman to asked about N&W passenger trains. I have come up with the following:

Cannonball - St. Louis-Detroit
Cavalier - Cincinnati-Norfolk
City of Decatur - Chicago-Decatur
City of St. Louis - Kansas City-St. Louis
Exposition Special - Norfolk-Columbus/Cincinnati
Jamestown Special - Norfolk-Columbus/Cincinnati
Norfolk and Richmond Vestibuled Limited - (Norfolk-Richmond?)
Ohio and Virginia Express - Columbus/Cincinnati-Norfolk
Pocahantas - Norfolk-Cincinnati
Powathan Arrow - Norfolk-Cincinnati
St. Louis and Chicago Special - Cincinnati/Columbus-Norfolk
Toledo and Chicago Special - Cincinnati/Columbus-Norfolk
Virginia and Ohio Express - Cincinnati/Columbus-Norfolk
Norfolk Flyer - Norfolk-Washington (with RFP and ACL)
Norfolk-New York Express - Norfolk-New York (with PRR, RFP and ACL)
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Posted by passengerfan on Saturday, April 23, 2005 9:40 PM
Arizona Limited All Pullman operated winter of 1940 and final season was winter of 1941 Between Chicago and Phoenix with set out sleeper in Tucson. Operated every other day. Sleepers were all lightweights from Pullman and the Baggage Crew Dorm and Diner were provided by Rock Island. Jointly operated by SP/RI behind a single DL109 assigned to each of the two consists on Rock Island between Chicago and Tucumcari and behind steam on SP first season was Mountains. Second Season Rock Island assigned single EMD E6A to each consist between Chicago and Tucumcari and SP assigned Mountains or Northerns no specific road numbers. The Rock Island units were specially assigned for the seasons. I talked to SP in Phoenix thirty years after train was terminated and it was if they were talking about a train still operating.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, May 25, 2005 9:52 AM
I loved trains from ACL and Seaboard and PRR. I would like some pictures of the ACL Champion. If any one has any can you please email them to me at
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Posted by trolleyboy on Wednesday, May 25, 2005 11:51 PM
The CNR had the Continental later the Super Continental, and the Maple Leaf. Rob
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Posted by CSSHEGEWISCH on Thursday, May 26, 2005 9:07 AM
Question: Other than MILW #57 (Chicago-Minneapolis) and ATSF #7-8 (Chicago-Los Angeles), how many trains actually carried the name "Fast Mail"?
The daily commute is part of everyday life but I get two rides a day out of it. Paul
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Posted by ZephyrOverland on Thursday, May 26, 2005 1:55 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by CSSHEGEWISCH

Question: Other than MILW #57 (Chicago-Minneapolis) and ATSF #7-8 (Chicago-Los Angeles), how many trains actually carried the name "Fast Mail"?

From my research of passenger train names, there have been a number of Fast Mails that have graced American rails. In the list that follows, those marked with an asterisk (*) existed in the 19th Century. The majority of these trains were operated from the 19th century up to the World War I years, a time when handling the mails provided some status to the operating railroad, as well as enhance their bottom line. Over time though, the name came to be used on a no-frills type of train that operated on a leisurely schedule. There were rare exceptions, such as a New York Central Fast Mail that carried only a sleeper along with the mails.

Atlantic Coast Line

Chicago-St. Louis

Washington-New York

Atlanta & West Point/ Western RR of Alabama/ Louisville & Nashville
Atlanta-West Point-Montgomery-New Orleans

Baltimore & Ohio
Cincinnati-St. Louis

Baltimore & Ohio/ Baltimore & Ohio-South Western

Baltimore & Ohio-South Western/ Baltimore & Ohio/ Reading/ Central RR of New Jersey
St. Louis-Parkersburg-Wayne Junction-Bound Brook-New York

Chicago, Burlington & Qunicy

Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton/ Monon

Chicago & Northwestern
Eau Claire-Duluth

Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis
Peoria-St. Louis*

Cumberland Valley

Lackawanna/ Central RR of New Jersey/ Reading

Kansas City-Carthage
Kansas City-Monett

Great Northern
St. Paul-Seattle
St. Paul-Spokane

Illinois Central
Chicago-New Orleans
Chicago-Sioux City
St. Louis-Carbondale
Chicago-New Orleans (via Jackson)
Chicago-Fort Dodge/Sioux City

Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Memphis/ Richmond and Danville
Kansas City-Birmingham-Atlanta*

Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs
Kansas City-Omaha*

Lake Shore & Michigan Southern
Chicago/St. Louis-New York

Lake Shore & Michigan Southern/ New York Central & Hudson River
Chicago-Buffalo-New York

Michigan Central

Milwaukee Road


Missouri Pacific
St. Louis-Kansas City

Minneapolis & St. Louis/ Illinois Central/Wabash
St. Paul-Albert Lea-Albia-Kansas City

New York Central
Albany-Lake Placid
New York-Chicago
New York-Buffalo-Detroit
New York-Detroit

New York Central/ Boston & Albany

New York Central/Erie/ Pittsburgh & Lake Erie

New York Central & Hudson River
New York-Buffalo

Piedmont Air Line
Washington-Atlanta-New Orleans

New York-St. Louis
New York-Chicago

Pennsylvania-Lines West
St. Louis-Indianapolis

Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac
Washington-Richmond *

Rock Island
Chicago-Des Moines

Santa Fe
Kansas City-Purcell
Chicago-Kansas City
Chicago-Los Angeles

Santa Fe/ Toledo, Peoria and Western/ Jacksonville-South Eastern
Chicago-Eureka-Peoria-Jacksonville (IL)-St. Louis*

Southern Pacific
Reno-San Francisco

Union Pacific/ Chicago & Northwestern
Portland/Ogden/Denver-Council Bluffs-Chicago

Union Pacific
Council Bluffs-Ogden
Portland-Yellowstone National Park
Council Bluffs-Green River
North Platte-Omaha-Council Bluffs
Green River-Portland

St. Louis-Toledo
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, June 18, 2005 11:31 PM
eastcoulee: Take the "information" in these responses with a grain of salt. There are quite a few mistakes. For example, one responder (randybc2003) wrote that the Lark and the Owl operated between Oakland and Los Angeles on complementary daylight and overnight schedules.

In fact, the Owl operated overnight between LA and Oakland through the San Joaquin valley through Fresno. The daytime train was the San Joaquin Daylight. The Lark was an overnight train between Los Angeles and San Francisco along the coast line through San Luis Obispo. Other trains on the coast line were the overnight Padre between Los Angeles and Oakland through the 1920s; the Oakland Lark overnight between Los Angeles and Oakland (it was combined with the Lark between Los Angeles and San Jose); the Coast Daylight between Los Angeles and San Francisco (for a while 2 trains, the Morning Daylight and the Noon Daylight); the Starlight (Noon Daylight train switched to an overnight schedule when expected traffic didn't materialize); the Coaster (which I think was yet another overnight train, but I'm not sure by any means); and the Sunset LImited which in the 1920s was a New Orleans to Los Angeles to San Fransciso train that also operated overnight between Los Angeles and San Francisco.
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Posted by ZephyrOverland on Sunday, June 19, 2005 2:04 PM
The information contained in these submissions for this topic have been pretty accurate. Yes, there are errors here and there, but one of the beauties of these group forums is to share and enhance information so that accurate information eventually comes to light.


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